從:一包米兩地得福, 到:一個口罩遍地得福
From: 1 rice 2 blessings
When the founders of SIU Vision arrived in Cambodia, they were touched during their visiting to orphanages, child care centers and other disadvantaged communities. The founders decided to establish a social enterprise to promote fair trade to help local farmers improve their lives in Hong Kong. Over the past 5 years, SIU rice has helped many Cambodia farmers to improve their living standard; we also corporate with Wildlife Conservation Society (since 1895) to support to conserve 500,000 hectares forest area.
To: 1 mask 2 blessings
SIU Vision introducing the world’s first HerbA mask! It is skin friendly, reusable, healthy and make out of natural antibactieral material. HerbA mask can reduce a massive of the wastes are being generated from the disposable masks that causing global warming and environmental issue.
Together, 1 mask make the whole earth difference! SIU Vision will launch the HerbA mask with buy 1 love 1 program. We aim to support 10,000 grass-rooted children and to have a HerbA mask or adequate supporting to enjoy their school life. HerbA mask also bring love and care to every corner in the community.
「SIU Vision的母公司是做高級成衣生產,創辦人到柬埔寨時在當地同工帶領下,往拜訪孤兒院,幼兒中心等多處弱勢社群;地區非常貧困,有感而發. 回港後便成立了這社企推行公平貿易幫助當地農民改善生活. 過去5年透過SIU米幫助了30位農民改善生活、參與了保育500,000公頃的生態保護區(相等於333個米埔自然保護區).
疫情其間SIU Vision母公司在逆境下研發了專利的HerbA可重用口罩. 眼見SIU 米的供應因疫情大受影響,柬埔寨的學校亦因疫情停課至11月;營運困難. 在逆境下萌起注入專利的HerbA在SIU Vision旗下; 以延續其社會效益. 新的HerbA可重用抗敏感口罩以環保為理念,解決一次性口罩衍生的大量難分解的廢料. 亦延續SIU Vision的社會效益.
Buy 1 love 1:
HerbA不單是環保、天然、親膚;更是多一重社會效益的意義. 祝福弱勢社群,用良心消費改變世界.