1+1 捐贈數據 Donation Figures
有您參與,好事停不了! With you, good things keep coming!
自 2021 年 1 月 29 日推出, 我們已分享給有需要人仕: Since we launch 1+1 donation project on January 29, 2021, we have shared with those in need:
$60/hr x 6
3 種方法捐贈 3 donation method:
1. 「您捐1、 我捐1」, You donate 1, SIU donate 1
2. 「您買1、 我捐1」,You buy 1, SIU donate same weight of rice
3. 「您義工,我捐一」, 您參與SIU米貨架報料行動,SIU捐贈米 You join the SIU Retail shelf reporting project, SIU donated rice
捐1慈善機構 Donate 1 Charity :
「停止浪費、 解決飢餓、以愛相連」 "Waste Not, Hunger Not, With Love"
社區發展推動基金 : 用$60/hr + 車費補貼請受疫情影響收入的人仕包米; 幫補他們收入. 會安排派發米給有需要的東涌街坊。Community Development Enhancement Fund pay $60/hr. to hire people affected by the epidemic; to help them make up for their income. It will distribute the rice to the neighborhood of Tung Chung who is in need.
愛心糧倉: 實踐「愛鄰舍」,每星期派發二百多份的糧食給弱勢群體 Food Bank : Practicing "Love the Neighbor", distribute more than 200 food package to the disadvantaged groups weekly
建生堂耆年中心 :本著基督的愛心關懷長者身心靈的需要,活得豐盛和有意義。
好主意 : 派飯給基層
*SIU 捐贈米類型基於生態保育米, 如以上產品因任何原因缺貨,將會替換為其他SIU米產品取代而不作另行通知,敬請見諒。*SIU is primarily donate Wildlife Friendly Jasmine rice. If the above products are out of stock for any reason, it will be replaced by other SIU rice products without prior notice.